Individual repairs

In 2006 and 2007, Habitat Bulgaria provided funds to make improvements to the homes of families with disabilities who live in unhealthy or non-standard housing conditions and who are unable to obtain a loan from a bank or other institution.

The funds are provided directly to the beneficiaries as a loan and can only be used for repairs with priority of those that increase the energy efficiency of the homes or eliminate harmful factors to the occupants (moisture, mold, draft, etc.). The loans can be up to BGN 3500 and are repaid in equal monthly installments for a fixed contractual term.

The main criteria for approving applicants for the repair program are:

• a clear need for improved housing conditions;
• low income and inability to make repairs with own funds or obtain a loan from a banking institution;
• the home to be renovated should be the only one for the family and to be their own (or with established long-term right-of-use);
• willingness of the beneficiaries to cooperate with the Foundation and to undertake voluntary work in carrying out the repair activities.

Part of the funding for this program is provided by the Bulgarian Fund for Women (BFW) for home repairs directed to single mothers or female heads of families. A total of 22 loans were granted in the city of Sofia and in Varna.