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Guidebook on Best Practices towards the reduction of energy poverty and firewood use 22.11.2024 - Action C8 of the LIFE BioBalance project and Activity AIII.1 of the BioJust project focused on demonstrating and evidencing solutions to increase the capacity and knowledge of low-income rural communities to reduce firewood-dependency. The Action consisted of three main elements: ● Research on energy poverty and household biomass use – Fuel of the Poor study. […]
Habitat for Humanity pledges access to resilient housing solutions ahead of the Buildings and Climate Global Forum in Paris 06.03.2024 - PARIS (March 6, 2024) — Today, in recognition of housing’s critical role in climate mitigation and adaptation, Habitat for Humanity has made specific programmatic commitments toward accelerating low-income families’ access to low-carbon, resilient housing solutions. Furthermore, through its Home Equals campaign, Habitat for Humanity is calling on governments at all levels to prioritize locally led adaptation actions that directly […]
Bulgaria: Renovating the unfit housing stock / Feantsa case Study #2 18.11.2023 - More than 19.2 million people in Europe, 4.2% of the total population, were experiencing severe housing deprivation in 2020. Unfit housing has a dramatic affect on the health and wellbeing of households, from physical affects such as respiratory infections and asthma, or the danger of the physical collapse of buildings, and mental toll resulting in […]