“Biomass and just energy transition” conference


“Biomass and just energy transition” is the central theme of the regional conference, organised by the environmental organisation WWF CEE in partnership with Habitat for Humanity in Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary.

Join us online via Zoom here: https://bit.ly/3nmjlwy, password: 828072.

6 July 09:30 – 16:30
7 July 10:00 – 13:00

Experts from all across Europe will look at the climate and forest implications of this ineffective practice. Energy alternatives that do not have a negative impact on the environment will also be discussed.

In several panels specialists from different countries will consider the political context of the problem with biomass and the possibilities for its sustainable use. Meanwhile they will search for a solution in alternative energy sources.

Photo: WWF Bulgaria

For additional information, view the full conference program here: “Biomass and just energy transition”


The conference is organized within the BioScreen CEE and LIFE Bio-Balance projects.